Complacency and individualism do not make us happier than those without basic needs. By sharing our gifts, talent, knowledge, expertise and personal wealth with others we enrich our own lives but build and strengthen those bridges between us.
You or I may not be able to change the world as individuals but together, when we join hands, we can accomplish so much. Just like “eating a big elephant” if each of us does a small part for the sake of supporting those youths and those vulnerable individuals, we can make our communities more habitable while creating a world united in diversity.
In Canada, addressing addiction in the vulnerable segments of our Canadian population especially among the youth takes priority. This works better when we tackle the problem holistically. Team building and working within our communities locally, networking with interest groups and educational institutions helps identify volunteers whom we utilize in community mobilization.

Identifying families with young people at risk is the starting point to tackling addiction and school dropout. There is a need to address the underlying challenges such as poverty and family disintegration. This is where advocacy and collaborating with other interest groups and agencies helps.
Therefore, this creates more need for financial and human resources so as to ensure the reentry into society by the rehabilitated youth in the long run. Education and trade development play a crucial role here. Visit our Canadian page for more information on how you can get involved.
In a turbulent country we provide an alternative future to one filled with terrorism, war, and violence. That is why The Youths As Volunteers Integrated Network Society took the initiative to reach out to these vulnerable Ugandans and Africans to help them better their communities with limited resources.
Apart from empowering the youth in vocational skills, it is essential to attain sustainability by engaging the local people in social development and health programs. This is only possible with a permanent Community Centre where all people no matter what race, creed, religion, gender, age or various background can gather and participate in self-help initiatives.
In this center, we plan to establish a permanent Water Bank through a rainwater-harvesting system. The rainwater harvesting system will simplify most of the activities in the area and provide a source of drinking water to the locals.
With this center in place, we hope to attack the problems of illiteracy, poverty, and disease, heads on. This project is where our greatest needs lie. The completion of the Centre will simplify the rest of our projects and our goals will be easier to achieve. This center is our “OASIS of hope” in the community.
To learn more about this project visit our YAVINS Education Centre page.